#133 A new and better me
Marcia Wright -
#146 Obviously You are a MAN
Man Chiu Leung -
#147 In Endless Flow
Barney Bardsley -
#148 Out of Stock
Christopher Benstead -
#151 My Journey to Leeds
Wai Yee Lee -
#153 Gaze at the Night Sky
Margaret Bending -
#154 How Lucky We Have Been
Peter Bartram -
#159 On Being a ‘Foreigner’ and Tracing My Roots
Isabel Miles -
#163 Her Own Piece of England
Paulette Morris -
#164 Badly spoken Spanish
Alex Elliott -
#165 I Shall be a Gardener
Barney Bardsley -
#167 My Chance to Shine
Emma Truelove -
#168 One Night it all Changed
Pat White -
#169 boom! boom! boom!
Namron -
#172 Flowers were blooming
Marcia Wright -
#173 Only one objector
Maureen Willis -
#174 Three periods of mourning
Harry Venet -
#175 I felt sublime when something clicked
Sonja Miller -
#176 Some Sort of Offer
Pop Milton -
#177 Madeira Means Water
Connie Hodgson -
#180 Enjoying my Adolescence
Edwin Long -
#182 A Beautiful Evening
Peter Gray -
#183 Embarrassing Dads
Debbie Spirrett -
#187 My Friendship with Christine
Doreen -
#189 Working At Burtons
Alma Rushman -
#190 A Strange Encounter
Peter Bartram -
#191 An Easy Reader
Rita Keeley -
#192 Arthur Harrisons
Nancy Benson -
#196 To Australia and Back Again
Shelly Sorkin -
#201 Bommy Night
Graham Newby -
#203 Little Miracles
Liz Thomas -
#204 Jessie's Story
Pam Jarvis -
#207 Cake Is A Treat
Jackie McHale -
#208 Oh No, The Queen's Coming!
David Smith -
#210 The Caterpillar Club
Chris Swales -
#211 What Was Once the Queen's Hotel
Lesley Greenfield -
#221 Armley Industrial Mills
Barrie Mackwell -
#222 Brothers In Arms
Michael Hassell -
#229 The Blackpool Snapshot
Peter Bartram -
#231 The Bath Mishap
Jojo -
#232 The Man From The Pru
Ann Clarke -
#235 War Stories
Harry Venet -
#238 Sitooterie
Marcia Wright -
#240 Turning Each Stone
Sally Owen -
#243 Her Family, My Family
Irene Froome -
#247 Gone Off Chocolates
Mavis Appleyard -
#261 Adoption
Annie Kochmann -
#264 A Steep Hill out of Hebden Bridge
Selwyn Waters -
#265 Head out of the Skylight, Watching the Cricket
Angela Appleyard -
#267 Done Thing at that Time
Margaret -
#269 War Declared
Sheila Goodall -
#271 The Beaus Room
Dorothy Cooper -
#273 You’ve Got Your Work Cut Out there Miss!
Hazel Druett -
#274 Mended my Heart
Anne-Marie Sammells -
#275 This is Your Ticket to Germany
Paul Daniels -
#276 Incomers Excluded
Nessa Nedd -
#277 The Prophet’s Birthday
Hamida Shah -
#278 Partition
Ruby -
#279 Like a Fish
Kathleen Tate -
#280 Red Button
Helen Lyon -
#281 Horse and Cart
June Allen -
#289 Homecoming Celebrations
Alma Rushman -
#292 Church Choir
Heather Newton -
#293 Sunday Dinners
Elizabeth Lofthouse -
#294 Quarry Hill Flats
Roy Millard -
#297 Learning Yorkshire Was Very Difficult
Kazia Knight -
#299 Armley Mills
Barrie Mackwell -
#348 Home
Christine Maskill -
#349 Homes
Mally Harvey -
#351 Heading Home
Sonja Miller -
#352 Going Home
Clare Brooks -
#354 Leaving
Mally Harvey -
#356 A Home I Loved
Mally Harvey -
#357 Back Home
Harry Venet -
#358 Away From Home
Harry Venet -
#359 The Traveller
Harry Venet -
#360 The Traveller
Harry Venet -
#361 A Home
Jayne Dresser -
#362 Swimming
Jayne Dresser -
#363 Home Is A Concept
Kath Pengilley -
#365 I'm Going Home
Roger Harington -
#366 Home From Home
Tamara McLorg -
#367 Our House
Margaret Bending -
#368 The Northern Edge Of Town
Harry Venet -
#369 Departure
Keith Hargreaves -
#371 A Proper Uniform
Vera Merrey -
#376 Becoming Elizabethan
John Kellett