#135 I have been waiting
Emma Truelove -
#145 Light After a Dark Tunnel
Naseem Ashfaq -
#175 I felt sublime when something clicked
Sonja Miller -
#179 The Kindness of Strangers
Julie -
#184 The Mannequin
Barry Ward -
#186 Cigerette Dogs
Colin -
#194 Step Into (Verse One)
Paulette Morris -
#217 First Night Centre
Fiona Manners -
#241 Dash to the Bingo
Christine Cameron -
#256 1958 & 1965
Joan Towers -
#262 Moscow Mad Dash
Brian Bellwood -
#290 Going To School
No Name -
#303 The Golden Years
Heather Newton -
#343 Seeing A Child Grow
Edna Murray -
#350 Leaving Russia
Margaret Bending -
#358 Away From Home
Harry Venet