#139 Watching the world go by
Catherine Mellor -
#140 My Life
Liung Ip -
#147 In Endless Flow
Barney Bardsley -
#151 My Journey to Leeds
Wai Yee Lee -
#160 Comical Wedding
Norah Hollings -
#165 I Shall be a Gardener
Barney Bardsley -
#168 One Night it all Changed
Pat White -
#171 Thank you for teaching me
Colin Trenholme -
#172 Flowers were blooming
Marcia Wright -
#174 Three periods of mourning
Harry Venet -
#176 Some Sort of Offer
Pop Milton -
#179 The Kindness of Strangers
Julie -
#187 My Friendship with Christine
Doreen -
#194 Step Into (Verse One)
Paulette Morris -
#197 Peter Offers a Lift Home
Joan Bosomworth -
#206 The Kiss (From Birth to the Aether)
Preethi Manuel -
#212 An Old Queer Woman
Helen Hallam -
#214 Babysham and Brandy
Jackie -
#215 On A Lighter Note
Keith Murfitt -
#222 Brothers In Arms
Michael Hassell -
#228 David
Roy Norcliffe -
#236 Arranged
Bluebell -
#237 The Garden
Tamara McLorg -
#243 Her Family, My Family
Irene Froome -
#251 A Peach in Beeston
Jimmy & Rita Wardman -
#252 Shining Star
John Lister -
#285 I came to London from Kenya
Saroj Patel -
#289 Homecoming Celebrations
Alma Rushman -
#290 Going To School
No Name -
#292 Church Choir
Heather Newton -
#293 Sunday Dinners
Elizabeth Lofthouse -
#294 Quarry Hill Flats
Roy Millard -
#296 Heydays
Valerie Clapham -
#298 Holiday To Eastbourne
John Coleman -
#303 The Golden Years
Heather Newton -
#323 Thank You Michael
Simone Gordon -
#340 Beige Can Wait
Dave Gill -
#342 Angel
Edna Murray -
#350 Leaving Russia
Margaret Bending -
#353 East or West, Home is Best!
Geetha Upadhyaya -
#359 The Traveller
Harry Venet -
#360 The Traveller
Harry Venet -
#361 A Home
Jayne Dresser -
#365 I'm Going Home
Roger Harington -
#370 Ashes
Angie Smiles